Why subscribe?

I don’t know.

Substack suggests I say, “Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update.”

But I say you should do what you want. Miss some updates. It’s just a newsletter. Missing an update is not going to kill you.

Not Self-Help will improve and/or ruin your life. Who can say? I will be investigating concepts associated with self-improvement. I will be tearing them down. I will be building them back up. Maybe.

Stay up-to-date

Substack says, “You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.”

But really, that has nothing to do with signing up. You don’t have to worry about anything anyway. Why worry? I don’t want anyone to worry. Sign up or don’t—whatever gives you the least anxiety. Or the most anxiety—if you think anxiety gives you an “edge” or something.

Join the crew

Subscribe and I will make your life better or worse or possibly the same. One way to find out…

Subscribe to Not Self-Help

What NOT to do with your life—and how to do it anyway.